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About Me

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

My name is Paxton Groom and I currently live in Galveston, Texas with my husband (Clark) and our two pups (Aqua & Shark). Clark and I got married in March of last year and we are enjoying the joys...and struggles of marriage. It is and definitely will continue to be a special journey.

I grew up in the Midwest in South Dakota on a family farm. I don't kid you when I say the closest Walmart was an hour away. I didn't love living in the middle of nowhere back then, but looking back now, I wouldn't have changed it for anything. Especially because of the PRIVACY we had out there. Living in nothing but apartments and close proximity houses for the past 6 years is nothing like living on a couple hundred acre farm! Oh the fun we would have out on the farm. That and we were driving before we were 10. LOL. Cars, four wheelers, golf carts, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, you name it!

Being out on the farm my whole childhood and honestly, being a bit secluded, family has always be of the utmost importance to me. I am VERY close with my family and I love them all dearly. I actually have 8 siblings....3 biological and 5 adopted (keep your eyes peeled for more on adoption in our family)! It gets pretty tough being so far away from them all sometimes!

I moved to Galveston in 2013 to attend Texas A&M at Galveston after doing a year of undergrad in South Dakota for graphic design. I had always wanted to live somewhere tropical and I kind of just jumped in after visiting Texas. I did not know a single soul in Galveston and let me tell you it was scary. I have never grown more as a person, though.

After college and graduating with a degree in Marine Biology, I got a job at the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, my dream job! I worked in dolphin rescue and rehabilitation for 2 and a half years before deciding I couldn't give my life and my priority to a job. I LOVED every second there and still volunteer. If you don't know anything about TMMSN, check them out ( They are so awesome, ya'll, and a fantastic non-profit organization.

After resigning there, I was left wondering what my next step was in life. I have always enjoyed taking photos - always taking pictures on cheap cameras when I was young and even taking portraits for friends in college. With lots a prayer (to this day), I did what I do best and just jumped in again and started my own photography business. I didn't realize at the time the passion that I would develop for it. It's more than just taking photos for random people. It's capturing those life moments and expressions of happiness, sadness, etc. that we as humans experience on a daily basis. It's also about the people that you get to meet that you may not have had the opportunity to get to know, otherwise. Too often we judge people externally, instead of learning their life story and trying to get to know them and their heart.

I have truly enjoyed the growing and learning process with my business so far and hope to continue to learn more each day!

Thanks for reading, have a great day :).

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